How can a multi-fuel stove decrease your energy bill?

wood burning stove and logs

With an increasing amount of social attention turned towards conserving natural resources, and protecting the environment, finding different energy sources is becoming increasingly popular. Heating your home with a multi-fuel stove is just one option that could help to cut down on your energy usage. But how can a multi-fuel stove decrease your energy bill? And why should you choose a multi-fuel stove? Well, here at JMS Wood Burning and Multi-Fuel Stoves, we are Birmingham’s professional stove experts. And this is our guide to everything you should know about decreasing your energy bill, with a multi-fuel stove.

How can a multi-fuel stove decrease your energy bill?

Cast iron and steel multi-fuel stoves can both heat your home effectively. Especially if your home is fully thermally insulated, and your chosen stove has a good heat output. As a result, if you rely on your stove to heat your home, you will not need to switch the heating on quite so frequently. And this will have a knock on effect on your heating bill. It also means that you will be using less non-renewable energy.

Multi-fuel stoves and the environment

Cutting down on your energy usage is a good way to begin to reduce your impact on the environment. But reducing your gas usage, to switch to other unethical fuel sources such as coal, is not a great option. Instead, you should make sure that any fuel you use, wood, paper etc, is sourced ethically. Many cuts of wood for burning are often labelled as sustainable, and these are collected as part of a sustainable cycle. This is essential if you want to do your bit for the environment.

For more information or advice about choosing your new multi-fuel stove, and what it could mean for your energy bill, get in touch with the team today, here at JMS, wood burning and multi-fuel stove specialists.